Magic Mt., VT 1/31/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/2/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Anyway, I took Monday off and got to the mountain around 9:15 with my friend Shane from the Alpine Trader at Mt. Snow. Magic needs a little more work in the marketing department b/c although there is a sign in downtown Londenderry announcing that the Magic is back, there are no other indications telling drivers where to go. We were going by Shane's 20 year old memories. Nonetheless, we arrived safe and sound to find 8" of fresh at Magic and about 20 cars in the lots. The base area is simple with the lodge having all services concentrated within and a smatteing of condos around. Our first run was Witch (I think). It was somewhat tracked up, but still had a lot of fresh to be found. At the bottom, we ran into Richard who asked what trail that was. My response," I' don't really know, and I'm not sure I care." It was all good at that point. <BR> <BR>We spent the rest of the morning running around the mountain and ducking ropes wherever we found them. Broomstick, Upper/Lower Talisman, a scratchy Gandolf, and others. Shane's 3 years of powder skiing experience at Jackson Hole were showing through as he powered through the powder, cut-up, and chowder with equal amounts of skill. Amazingly, after 24 years on skis, it was still only my 8th or 9th powder day. I'm such a whose. <BR> <BR>Anyway, we spent all morning doing laps off the Red double (the only chair running) and salivating over Redline under the chair. It reminded me very much of the "open but not recommended" liftline under the double chair at Orford two weeks ago. Still, with visions of demolished edges running through my mind here in Southern VT (as opposed to the snowy Eastern Townships), I was hesitant. Then we saw the first brave soul negotiate his way down the trail and we decided it was a go. By the time we got there, we enjoyed fourth tracks and had a tough, yet sublime run down a truly classic New Englend liftline trail. Couldn't make a return trip as the next 3-4 people down the trail had scraped it off enough that the rocks and stumps were beginning to show. Another 12" dump will set them up perfectly. <BR> <BR>Lunch was extrememly pleasant. Not only did we not have trouble finding a seat, we had no trouble garnering a whoile table. Had our food made to order and I escaped with a hot dog, hamburger, fries and a cookie for just under $10. The afternoon is pretty much a blur with run after tiring run in the increasingly cut up and tracked out area. I am sure we missed a number of tree shots and I would love to return with someone who has some local knowledge. Our one foray into the unknown was under the upper liftline of the black triple. Don't know what it is called, but it is definitley NOT ready for primetime. Brambles, stumps, and downed trees are all over the place just waiting to trip you up. I would avoid this slope until another 3-4 feet fall in SoVT. Master Magician was also avoided all day due to its clearly sketchy cover. Seems like that run and the black liftline get a little more wind than the other trails at Magic. <BR> <BR>The highlight of the afternoon was wtich to Lucifer. For some reason, it wasn't tracked out nearly s bad as other runs, even though it crosses under the Red Double. There a large numbe of little drops and rolls that keep you entertained and on your toes. The runout was rolling and raucous with several kickers on skiers right with soft landings. As Richard says, Magic needs the business - this is a NewEngland ski gem truly worth keeping in operation.