<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 3/1/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Drove south down 100 with ol standby Justin in tow from Warren to meet a former Bucknell teammate at Magic. Some icy spots on the road and even a dusting to be found here and there. Ice on the trees, with some freezing fog. Magic had groomed a dozen or so trails early in the night and had left the rest be. Firm frozen granular challenged us and warmed throughout the day. The fog made depth perception tough, but conditions did improve. Unfortunately we were not able to reap the benefits of our work earlier in the summer, as broomstick and witch were closed, as were heart of the magician and master magician. We'll need to return again sometime soon....In summary, a good day had by all, Talisman provided the most interesting terrain, but that's clearly not the best of what magic has to offer. We snuck in on the lower 3 segments of redline which were fun, and drooled over the tracks left on the upper portions by last week's black magic challenge.