Meet in the Middle - Houston Texas and Winnipeg Manitoba


New member
I am looking for some help re: picking a destination resort for a ski week in late March 2012. I know I can never go wrong when seeking the collected wisdom of the FTO forum. The situation breaks down like this:
My buddy moved to Houston Texas and has a young family (3 young children under 6);
I live in the Canadian prairies, near Winnipeg, Manitoba, and have 2 teenagers;
We want to pick a destination resort somewhere in the middle.

Two main issues have priority:
1) The perfect resort has to be easy to get to (i.e., direct flights from Houston, 1 stop or less from Winnipeg) and;
2) The terrain has to be varied enough to satisfy the widest possible range of skiing/snowboarding skills.

What pearls of wisdom do the FTO readers have for me.

Thanks in advance,

Telluride, vail, steamboat, park city come to mind. JHole may work.cant think of to many others direct from houston that dont require huge drive/transfers, and that are somewhat near the houston/peg travel line line.
Side note a good friend of mine that I play hockey with is from your neck of the woods, good guy! knows eddie the eagle from back home as well
TRam":nbnrq40v said:
Telluride, vail, steamboat, park city come to mind. JHole may work.
Probably too late in the season for JH to have good conditions. Same for Park City.

A question for the OP: why "somewhere in the middle"? It seems like an artificial constraint with no particularly good reason. Just look at travel times, amount of driving from the destination airport, and availability of flights.
Marc_C wrote:
A question for the OP: why "somewhere in the middle"? It seems like an artificial constraint with no particularly good reason. Just look at travel times, amount of driving from the destination airport, and availability of flights.
Marc, your point above is exactly what I was trying to suggest - some place in North America that is equally easy to access from both Houston and Winnipeg. Not strictly geological distance. I plan to explore all the options you mention but thought I would first get some help from the FTO readers to shorten the list of eligible candidates.
You also picked up on one of the key issues that I glossed over - the likelyhood of good conditions in late March.
Thanks for your assistance. Keep the ideas coming.
Side note a good friend of mine that I play hockey with is from your neck of the woods, good guy! knows eddie the eagle from back home as well

A Manitoba boy who's a good guy and plays hockey, ya say? Didn't you know that describes everyone here on the Prairies? eh?
Steamboat is another area with sunny exposure better skied earlier in the season. And I agree with that for Jackson and Park City.

Summit County Colorado seems an obvious contender. Vail/Beaver Creek could be in that mix. Aspen and Telluride are good choices but access may not be so great. I always recommend Mammoth and Bachelor for late season/broad range of abilities, but access from points east is always an issue for both places.

Whistler probably has reasonable access for both of you though I don't think it's good for beginners. Banff/Lake Louise are good for late season, and presumably there are Houston - Calgary flights.
Given the strong early start (both Louise and Sunshine are over half open on ~170% of average November snowfall) and excellent late season preservation, I would vote for Banff/Lake Louise given your parameters if I had to make the call now.