Not anticipating a huge rush to Middlebury to take advantage of the five, count 'em five, open trails, I'll forego a detailed report, but here's my take on the past week. <BR> <BR>(For those keeping score at home, the five open trails are the four off the little Sheehan lift, plus the half-Allen, unloading at the mid-station on the Worth Mountain lift. Middlebury is hurting for snow, and is real short on water for blowing the man-made variety.) <BR> <BR>I've spent most of the week doing laps on about 500 vertical feet of blue cruisers, with a few steep pitches to keep things interesting. It probably ought to be borderline boring, but let's keep this in perspective -- I'm sliding down the hill with boards on my feet, the wind freezing my cheeks, and a grin on my face. Yeah, it could be (and certainly has been) better. But it could also be a whole lot worse. <BR> <BR>It was a good week for knocking the rust off, practicing technique, and getting to know my new skis. FWIW, I'm a much better skier than I was last week, which is something I don't often get to say, so as far as that goes, this week has been outstanding.