Montana 2011-2012


New member
Didn't think the Colorado thread should drift too far.

Skrad":1tkhubvy said:
The 25% of Discovery that is closed is the very interesting terrain. The 75% that is open is flattish and served by slow chairs. They need more snow.

Agreed. The backside is usually open by the holidays.

Big Sky got a lot better over the last week with a couple of storms. Challenger skid well over the weekend and Liberty off the Tram had great coverage yesterday. First day it was open since last Wednesday due to avy danger. Never seen Big Sky as busy it was this holiday week. I think Bridger missing the storms we have got this season had something to do with it.
I'd not say they were far off an average beginning to a season at Disco but then again I don't keep Tony's level of figures. Discovery in my experience never gets 200" a season, last season was epic yet they got from memory about 160" and the steep backside needs decent coverage before it can open. Another good reason to ski in March and not December.

Anyway, I checked the local weather for Disco and snow likely Tuesday onwards so I checked and found this on the horizon. Bring it:-

then again I don't keep Tony's level of figures. Discovery in my experience never gets 200" a season, last season was epic yet they got from memory about 160"
I only have data from Whitefish, Bridger and Big Sky. But when JSpin lived in Montana he had a reasoned analysis of what he thought the other places might get. Lookout ~400, Lost Trail ~300, other places are leeward of the Divide and likely much lower.

160 inches is a number that would make me nervous about March unless it was nearly all north facing. And my vague impression is that exposures are all over the map in most of these less commercial Montana areas. But terrain and low density make them appealing, so I hope I get a shot at some of them. I have a flexible window of time Feb. 4-7 potentially driving through Montana, so if there are any TR's in the week or so before then, I'd be very interested in seeing them.
q":1spnlurq said:
Discovery in my experience never gets 200" a season, last season was epic yet they got from memory about 160" and the steep backside needs decent coverage before it can open. Another good reason to ski in March and not December.

Yeah, I ski Disco 3-4 days a year and it is almost exclusively in March on mid week powder days. The frustrating part is that they usually close around April 1 and then it really starts dumping :-(

Tony Crocker":1spnlurq said:
I only have data from Whitefish, Bridger and Big Sky. But when JSpin lived in Montana he had a reasoned analysis of what he thought the other places might get. Lookout ~400, Lost Trail ~300, other places are leeward of the Divide and likely much lower. I have a flexible window of time Feb. 4-7 potentially driving through Montana, so if there are any TR's in the week or so before then, I'd be very interested in seeing them.

Those numbers are accurate although elevations are similar. Lost Trail and Montana Snowbowl had 120" bases last season while Discovery was well behind despite the relative closeness of the areas as the crow flies.

I will try to post a report in early Feb., I will be skiing Showdown and Big Sky during that time period.
I'm not nervous about March at all, it is always slow and steady with very few dumps over 6-12" and although its not as though I can pick and choose like coldsmoke I almost always get the goods in March.

This year they are open until April 8th.
q":2ei72n7i said:
I'm not nervous about March at all
Eyewitness reports are nearly always the best source. With normal snowfall (assuming it's 160) q's frequent trips are all the evidence we need that it's adequate or better in March. The problem is that it's mid-January and Whitefish is at 50% of normal snowfall and Bridger 58%. So if these other places end up with 100 instead of 160 the abnormally thin base will erode more rapidly in the spring sun.
Montana and Idaho looking very good this weekend.

Coldsmoke, have you made any turns?
Missoula/Montana Snowbowl now seems a promising stop Feb. 4 between Schweitzer and Jackson. Am I right about this? I guess I should ask after my Revelstoke experience if any of these Montnaa areas can't handle Saturday traffic.
Tony Crocker":16klhytj said:
Missoula/Montana Snowbowl now seems a promising stop Feb. 4 between Schweitzer and Jackson. Am I right about this? I guess I should ask after my Revelstoke experience if any of these Montnaa areas can't handle Saturday traffic.

I was at Schweitzer on Thursday and Friday last week. Everything is covered and was soft. We loved the mountain and the conditions were great.

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q":3ftlt08z said:
Montana and Idaho looking very good this weekend.

Coldsmoke, have you made any turns?

Good storm but a warm one. Skiid Great Divide on Jan. 19, 26" of pow but fairly heavy, got the same reports from Disco and Snowbowl. Skiid Big Sky over the weekend, it snowed 15" Sat. and was much lighter. Challenger and the Bowl were excellent. The entries to the tram runs are still a bit rocky but once you get in them they were great. Sunday was bluebird with about 8" of fresh pow and did Marx and Liberty with my seven-year-old. A great day indeed!

Tony Crocker":3ftlt08z said:
Missoula/Montana Snowbowl now seems a promising stop Feb. 4 between Schweitzer and Jackson. Am I right about this?

I'd watch the weather real close for Snowbowl, it is almost completely south facing. Lost Trail or Discovery are in the neighborhood too.
Nice stuff coldsmoke, I guess a good dump of heavier snow helps after the start these places have had. Save the lightest pow for the March slayers.

Tony, I can't really comment on Missoula at the weekends with all that much certainty. I skied there a Friday a couple years back by early PM the parking lot was filling up but the slopes and lifts were pretty empty. Around 2005 or 2006 I skied with Mike Richards there on a Saturday closing day and although busy it was walk on lifts. A powder Saturday not so sure with its proximity to Missoula but I find it hard to believe anywhere in Montana would have a queue, I've yet to see one.

As coldsmoke mentions and your aware there are options. I've skied Discovery many times on a Saturday and although parking and the lodge can be real busy the slopes are quiet and the lifts are always walk-on. Lots of families so guess they stick together on the front of the mountain.

I'm following a similar route to yourself in March Tony, I'm at probably Silver/Lookout on the Monday then 2 days at Red Mountain then 2 nights in Sandpoint so need to decide where to ski on the Friday when I leave Sandpoint. Do I ski there, head to Sliver/Lookout or Snowbowl maybe even Turner. Time will tell.