Mt Bachelor 4/7


New member
More powder.

We're at 576" total with 10" new this morning. It didn't suck. 184" and growing after briefly hitting 200"+ and then settling back.


Terrain about half way down Outback. The chair is closed but completely accessable from NWX. After NWX gets tracked you come back here and fill in the dots.


My GF Sally. She's at about 1 1/2 seasons as a rider and progressing quickly. She'll be ready for cat snowboarding next year.
as of today were at 587" y.t.d. with a 161" base at snowbird . i'd say the density of the snow was just right for the boarder to enjoy . there's a bit more settling here as compared to there with generally lighter densitys not always though ocassionally we'll get heavier snow . in june
rfarren":33qgrzuo said:
What'd the density of the snow at Bachelor compared to Utah, Colorado, and for that matter VT?
There is no reason to believe it's much different from the 13% typical all along the West Coast

The higher altitude lowers the rain probability, but since that doesn't change the 13% at Mammoth, it's hard to see why Bachelor would be any different. Subjectively, the Whistler alpine has by my experience been an exception with snow that feels like lower water content, but I have no data to back that up.
rfarren":u91zoeo2 said:
What'd the density of the snow at Bachelor compared to Utah, Colorado, and for that matter VT?

Today (for example) it was 8%. I've been trying to get these guys to post a complete snow report like the fine one on the Alta website. We've been very competitive density-wise with the resorts in the Rockies this season, but it is a La Nina with a deepening PDO, so that is not surprising. But there is no way we're as light as in Utah or Colorado overall but we have way better quality compared to Mammoth, Tahoe (west) or any other Cascadian resort due to us being east of the crest and have altitude at a relatively high latitude. Sometimes its better to have a little more density as it covers up older surfaces even with just a few inches.
How did you know today was 8%? Just a few places keep a daily snowfall log online, and the only ones I know with daily water content are Alta and the Mammoth patrol site. I'd be surprised if the bean-counters at Bachelor would put in that amount of daily effort to make that info available to the public.

schubwa":1b7f1gvg said:
east of the crest and have altitude at a relatively high latitude.
Altitude doesn't lower West Coast water content as evidenced by Mammoth. Latitude neither, as evidenced by the Washington State areas. East of the crest could lower it, but how far east of the crest is Bachelor, maybe 50 miles max? Remember, Bachelor's rain incidence (2-3 days a season per exhibit at ISSW last October) is more than Mammoth's (1/2 day a season per 22 years of patrol records).

I encourage schubwa to unearth this data if he can. But as with most snow stats you'll need lots of it. Mammoth averaged 8.2% for the entire 2000-01 season even though the 22-year average is 12.9%.