Mt. Baldy 3/22/08

Tony Crocker

Staff member
Garry Klassen has been commenting that Thunder Mt. has remained hardpack much of the past month, probably due to an icy snowpack from a few rain events earlier in the winter.

But on Friday L.A. temps reached 80F, with upper 80's predicted for the weekend, so I figured it was now or never for a decent shot at some corn snow. It's illuminating to compare today's report to April 16, 2005. There was way more snow then, and while I got the timing of the corn right, it's a much shorter window of opportunity this year.

I arrived about 10AM to a very quiet day, with only about 2/3 of the upper parking lot (out of 4) occupied. I skied 4 runs on chair 4, 2 each on Turkey Shoot and somewhat of an obstacle course down part of Spring Ridge and the chair liftline. It's very dry, so temps were probably upper 40's, not as warm as I expected and about as big a difference as we can get from the 8,000 foot elevation gain.

I moved to Thunder at 11:30, timing Fire Road/Bonanza and Shortcut ideally for corn, but some of Skyline was on the firm side and Emile's was still very solid at noon, so I took a quick lunch break. Back out at 1PM, Skyline was now in top form for a couple of hours, and finally around 2PM anything with even indirect sun had softened nicely, leaving only a few north glades (notably the trees between Liftline and Robin's) in hard snow.

So I was able to ski about 3/4 of the time on good corn. Herb's/Andy's was a steeper version of the Spring Ridge obstacle course, with best snow about 1PM. The ridge skier's left of Tube was great in afternoon sun about 2PM, as was Goldridge an hour later. 2-3:30PM was the best timing for the most open skiable lines along Emile's and Liftline. At 3:15 I ventured into South Bowl, also well timed but about 1/4 of the traverse back to the lift is burned off and has to be hiked.

I met Shifty Rider riding the Thunder lift. He was on teles, and I cleverly took pictures of the wrong person on Skyline in mid-afternoon.

The area directly under Chair 1 is mostly gone, but I still decided to come down Bentley's at the end of the day. The road from the equipment area had 4 short stretches where I had to take skis off. Skier's right of Bentley's is mostly gone and the bottom of the gully has some debris, but the skier's left fall lines (north facing) were in good shape in late afternoon, so I skied them in series, traversing left each time I approached the gully.

22,400, an interesting day of varied skiing. Some of the sketchier lines reminded me of the vigilant attitude necessary at places like La Grave. But the snow conditions at Baldy were on average considerably better.

As on my Iron Blosam days right after the time change, I'm wondering if ski areas should push their hours (both opening and closing) at least 1/2 hour when Daylight Saving starts second week of March. There's a lot of hard snow around at 9AM and it's plenty bright for skiing at 5PM. Then back up the hours mid-April or so when the snow softens earlier in the morning.




Nice pics and report. I have Wednesday off and am gonna hit it one last time for the season. Who knows when I'll get to ride Bentley's again...
Tony Crocker said:
Garry Klassen has been commenting that Thunder Mt. has remained hardpack much of the past month, probably due to an icy snowpack from a few rain events earlier in the winter.

But on Friday L.A. temps reached 80F, with upper 80's predicted for the weekend, so I figured it was now or never for a decent shot at some corn snow.

Sounds like it was very nice. Tony check your email about Mammoth 3.28-3.30. Let me know about what you think.

Happy Easter All. Too hot for bunny contests unless pond skimming with a cotton tail!

thanks for the update. really appreciate the pictures. gives a much better idea of what it's like up there without the single webcam shot from the website. loved the pic of south bowl w/ skis off.....ha! it sure seems like ski season here in socal gets shorter and shorter every year....mammoth sounds like it might be the call next weekend.......????

john in LBC
yesterday about 3-ish spotted a maybe 18"-wide strip of snow that dropped about eight feet into the andy's alley area, after which there was enough snow to give one plenty of options as to which trees to turn into gates. fun stuff. "one more run" turned into five.

i shot some vid on someone else's camera; if i see it, i'll post it.

another great alpine beach day at baldy.
There were 2 tight sideslip entrances into Andy's area. One guy went into the shaded one, lost a ski and slid ~100 feet, fortunately hitting no trees. So I used the one in the sun, even though it was narrower. It was an interesting run, timing one's turns to be in the sun, where the snow was just right about 1PM.

No trend in SoCal ski seasons. Baldy was open to May 22 in 2005 and a record June 7 in 1998. History since 1976 here.

It's generally feast or famine. This is one of the rare "average" seasons.
You didn't miss much. Garry was up there that Monday afternoon and snow was very hard with most of the 6 inches new blown off.

I can't tell from the Baldy website whether they closed chair 4 yet. I do think it's misleading to say "including the runs to the parking lot," when it's only one run (Bentley's), I had to take my skis off 4 times to get there, and it's definitely not recommended unless you know the area extremely well in terms of both navigation and time of day to ski it.

I do recommend most of Thunder for the good corn snow while it stays warm.
We were in SouthBowl Friday 3-21-08.

Big Tim enjoying the corn

And the hike out to chair 3.

Spent Sunday there also.Our lift served season is winding down:(
Hit it for one last time for the season today. A bit too hard in the morning and got caught in a couple sketchy spots off the north side of Goldridge after forgetting to sharpen my edges, but after lunch all was good and much softer and fun. Hit an empty South Bowl (no takers for the hike back I guess....) which was glorious CaliCornication. Hiked down the burned-out fire road to hit Bentley's around 2PM, snow and coverage was great, and I ended up lapping it 3 times before heading home. Only saw 2 other people all day doing Bentley's, which was fine by me.

A very fun day, got a little much-needed exercise with all the hiking, and unfortunately probably my last on Baldy this season. It's been fun...

OH YEAH- edit to add- there was a bighorn sheep roaming around one of the faces looker's left coming up Chair 1 this afternoon. Never seen one before, in the wild or anywhere else. Pretty awesome.
I'm probably going for the last time (barring April miracle) on Saturday. Hopefully it's not too cool. I'll do some hiking.