Mt. High West, Dec. 5, 2023

Tony Crocker

Staff member
This was something I never do, but various factors lured me. Lonnie raised the subject first, as he's anxious to see how well he has recovered from that crash and two surgeries last spring, and wanted some company for that. Since Garry was tuning our skis and his place is about halfway to Mt. High I inquired. It turned out Garry was going to Mt. High today with friends Craig and Bill to pick up their senior passes so I decided to meet him there and do the same. Lonnie decided against it when I warned him that only two top to bottom runs were open and he feared excess skier density.

We were all at the ticket window before 9AM opening and on the lift by maybe 9:10. The lower advanced terrain under the Blue Ridge Express is still bare.

The upper part of the chair is over the mellower Borderline, which usually has some park features.

At lower right Wyatt falls off with more pitch.

Here's Bill at the bottom of Wyatt.

Garry and Craig approaching the base area:

The other open upper run was Chisholm, which is more continuous intermediate pitch and often notorious for out of control flying bodies. Fortunately that was not the case today. It was very quiet during our first hour and only a handful of people on Chisholm during the late morning. I didn't take any pictures there.

We skied Borderline/Wyatt more because the snow was better. Chisholm had some loose chunks. Temperature was 46F upon arrival, so there was some softening of area getting direct sun. Snow was hard packed manmade but there were not nearly enough people to scrape it down to boilerplate while we were there. The upper 3/4 of Wyatt and some skier's right in the middle of Chisholm were in the best shape because they remain shaded in the low December sun.

Snowmaking has not yet begun to serve the upper part of the Conquest chair.

Looking down from the same spot is the wide beginner area.

We finished most of our runs this way since the snow was smooth and there were few people.

At the top, the snowmaking reservoir was being refilled.

Perhaps last season helped out Mt. High's limited well water source.

Late in the day we saw a classic Southern California HeelButtslide®

Yes that kid slid the entire length of Wyatt that way.

I skied 5 runs on Chisholm and 7 on Borderline/Wyatt and left about noon, so the 12K vertical met tseeb's minimum requirements for a ski day. :icon-razz:

Driving out via N4 and the Pearblossom Highway there were scattered burned out trees (glare is from sun just above the ridge).

The September 2020 Bobcat Fire crossed the Angeles Crest and ran quite far down the north side toward the high desert.,
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Why bother with that when the Alps are having such an outstanding early-season? :icon-lol:
The entire cost of that day was the $10 processing fee for the Mt. High senior pass. Nothing for gas as I have free Tesla supercharging and accordingly made a 15 minute pit stop on the way home. Liz did not go since I would never argue that it was worth buying a day ticket. It's a more interesting alternative to going to a gym for Garry and his friends who live only 45 minutes away.

It's a perk of retirement, not only for the senior pass, but also for avoiding weekends which might look like:

In Decembers of 1979 and 1980 I schlepped all the way to Snow Summit with similar limited terrain for my opening ski days. I deliberately chose the night ski session (same runs open) for lesser crowds. The next five seasons after that had good early natural snow at Mammoth and/or in SoCal. I had one more night ski session at Snow Summit in December 1986 as a warmup day before spending Christmas Week at the Alta Peruvian.
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No need to justify a ski day. I’d happily trade a day there for living through this heat. Heck - I’d even pay for a day ticket.