Mt. Mansfield, VT backcountry - 4/20/01

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Friday after work we headed up to ski Mani. My pals got off work early, but my bonehead buddy Scott forgot which meeting spot we had agreed to! After waiting 30 minutes, we left. Only to see him coming back our way on Route 15. In classic Scott fashion, he said, "I got the place wrong, but I was there at the right time." Makes you wonder! Got started skinning around 5:00pm. <BR> <BR>Once again an awesome BC trip. Grinding out the vertical. Skinning in sunshine, sweat dropping onto the skis, and earning the turns after the areas shut down. Gotta love Spring. Made it to the top of the Forehead ridge, around 7:00 pm, where we amused ourselves watching some intermediate snowboarders gomer and fall on the steep Forehead headwall. Then it was our turn to try and make turns. Soft corn, but steep...not exactly hero turns, but we did OK. Climbed back up and came down a more moderate gully back to the trail. We blazed some corn rooster tails down the double fall line, reaching for the thrill of fast turns. Must of been around 3000 vertical feet of skiing. At the parking lot, we celebrated a great post work run by digging the brewskis out of the dog S$#t encrusted snow. Boy did they taste good....