Mt. Snow 11/13


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 11/16/99. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>I arrived at the Mt. Snow base at the crack of 11:00 after a Friday night which was MUCH longer than anticipated. It was already too late to meet with Dan Barron at 10:00 at the summit lodge, so I bought my tickets and proceeded onto the Summit Triple. The air was warmer than I expected, somewhere in the low to mid 40's at the base, and the 1" of snow from the previous night was gone :-(. The conditions and trail options were pretty much like Dan laid out in his earlier post. Upper Canyon to Canyon and then Standard on the Main face, while Fallen Timbers and River Run were available on the North Face. This made for a good opportunity to actually get some variety despite the low % of open terrain. One could go all the way down the Canyon/Standard run to thebase, or duck backto the north face via River Run to take Fallen Timbers. The snow <BR>was softerthan I expected and the coverage was solid. Some kickers werebeing built byrandom packs of teens/bros. I played a bit, limited to feeble old schooldaffies. The downer of the day for me was the break of one of my <BR>boot buckleson my right boot. Throw in the fact that I was WAY more out ofshape than I thought I'd be, and I was pretty much miserable by the time my day ended at 3:00or so.