We took many runs on Chute at the North Face of Mt. Snow Sunday. You had to up load on the Summit Express, use the Challenger Triple (has anyone ever noticed the tree with several bras hanging in it half way up this lift on the right?) while you skied, then down load on the Canyon Quad. The only trails open were Chute on the North Face and Upper Canyon to River Run on the main mountain. The middle of Chute was scrapped down to ice by 10 o'clock but the sides held up well until I left around 2:30. I went down Upper Canyon for the first time around 11:00 and it was a sheet of ice edge to edge. It wasn't very crowded and there was no lift lines all day. The sun was out all day with little wind. They were charging $26.25 but the Mobil coupons made it $16.25. On the way up on Rt. 2 I noticed they were blowing snow at Wa Wa Wachusett early Sunday morning.