Mt. Snow, VT 11/20/99


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 11/22/99. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>I took my girlfriend to Mt. Snow for her first turns of the season. We got a late start but managed to get out on the slopes by 10:30. Two runs off of the main mountain and two runs off of the North Face were open. On the North Face, Fallen Timbers and River Run. On the main mountain, Upper Canyon to Canyon to Standard or Upper Lodge to Lower Exhibition. One of the terrain parks was open but the coverage was a mix of rocks, dirt, and a little snow. Temps were in the 50's and the snow was like cream cheese. It was like skiing in April. I wish I had brought my shorts. The snow was turning to corn in the afternoon with several bare spots poking through on the steeper sections and at the bottom. Fallen Timbers was the pick of the day. Small moguls were forming in the afternoon but they were spaced too far apart. Powder day on Thursday at Killington and spring skiing on Saturday. Life is good!