Awesome day at Sunapee! <BR> <BR>Since I was going home to Massachusetts from New York, and hadn't skied Sunapee since they had improved it, decided to check it out. What a great day! <BR> <BR>Conditions throughout the entire day were a firm packed powder, no real ice patches until 3pm. Sunapee is certainly not known for its steeps or expert terrain, so you go into "cruise mode". Blast Off was the best cruiser of the day, about 1.25mi long, just flew down it. Skyway/Westside/Chipmunk trails were also great for cruising. Their one year old high speed quad made top to bottom runs quick and easy. <BR> <BR>Sunbowl area was nice too...two main runs to the bottom, they were blowing snow like crazy under the Sun Bowl Quad. <BR> <BR>This mountain has certainly changed a lot since my last time skiing there in 1996. Back then, it looked like it was in dire need of some upgrades, but had an old-fashioned aspect of it. Now, with new lifts and better snowmaking, its more like a modern resort...but most likely for the better, as you can get in far more runs for your money than before. Talked to one of their ski ambassadors on the quad...said they were planning some additional trails for next year. Sounds good!