Mt. Sunapee, NH 12/31/00

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The lack of snow in Boston seemed to create a new opportunity to get out first thing Sunday morning and hit something in VT. We went for the opportunity, but missed the "first thing" part due to laziness, errant SUVs towing snowmobiles, and spooky goings-on at a few snowed-in NH gas stations. While filling up at the Mobil in Warner, NH, we noticed the signs for Mt. Sunapee and the late hour of 9am and decided to try something different. Missing the rest of the drive wasn't a bad choice. <BR> <BR>I wouldn't cough up $47 for 1,400' of vertical on a typical brutal-grooming holiday weekend, but which a solid foot or more of light, soft snow, it was cruising heaven. We avoided the mob at the new McBFL and skied the east-facing Sunbowl lift, finding minimal grooming, lots of ignored powder at the edges, and trail contours that were surprisingly "natural." Several trails sported nice double fall-lines, and the trail edges were nicely brushed out for quick powder-stash poaching. Sunrise Glades, however, was not ready for prime time, with 12-14" of light powder on a base of fresh-cut stumps and decomposing leaves. Summit Glades had been packed down a bit more, which made for a less-bony rollercoaster ride through well-spaced hardwoods, a few birch clusters, and even a small ledge or two. Paul's SO Susan had fun taking the trees "one at a time", while Paul took a more aggressive approach on the ledges and learned that sometimes your skis will fit through a gap but *both* shoulders will not. Fortunately (?), I didn't have to practice the dislocation-reducing skills I picked up at SOLO last month. Light snow continued throughout the day, and the wind continually refreshed many of the trails near the summit. <BR> <BR>Not a bad day for 90 minute's driving. Certainly beats WaWaWachusett. The Muellers have done a great job Okemofying the place, right down to the gray shuttle buses and well-organized infrastructure. No big thrills to be had, but the snow was excitement enough.