My take on the Top Ten List + a surprise


New member
OK, my home area will never make it on a Top Ten list, but there is definitely some local awesome-ness! Such as having insanely dependable snow conditions, but you guys already know that.
On my own “Top Five” list of great things around here is the “Dog Park” at Wanoga Snow Park, about half way up to Mt Bachelor. The base depth at the dog park this afternoon was about the same as reported by the Alta ski area, which is located right by the famous Snowbird ski area (combined #2 on some list). :wink:
Anyway, today they groomed it for the first time and my buddies Pancho and Ollie joined me for some super fun skiing! Plus, you can $hit anywhere you want and people pick up after you! Better yet, it’s only eleven miles back to Bend and you get a treat and a nap!


Photos taken with iPhone 5, iCloud to Photobucket, are these too big? Can you guys download them? I got three laps on skate skis and then got in a yoga session this evening. Namaste.


This is such a fine spot to run up and exercise your doggy friends. Plus you have the Virginia Meissner Community Ski Area (Skate, Classic and Snowshoe) almost across the highway so many people do a double-header so everyone is happy.


This is Ollie, he is a Bearded Collie and he loves being in foul weather, perfect dog for around here.


This dog is named Pancho, he is mine. He is a Beagle, a loveable but challenging breed. He does love snow outings.


Surprise, here is the latest snow forecast for Dec-Jan-Feb this winter from WeatherBell. So far I'd say this looks to be sorta accurate.


Temperature map for December 2012, it has been warm here that's for sure.


Temperatures for January, ahh that's better.


Ouch again. We'll see what happens...
schubwa":336l8jpu said:
The base depth at the dog park this afternoon was about the same as reported by the Alta ski area, which is located right by the famous Snowbird ski area (combined #2 on some list). :wink:

:snowball fight:
I'll bet Jake is jealous, particularly since dogs aren't allowed at Alta no matter how much snow is there.