... is Mrs. Admin in the cockpit of a touring 'yak. But she decided to try paddling, so we ventured 10 minutes up the road after work on Thursday to Little Dell Reservoir. For the first 20 minutes I swore that I'd never bring her again, but after that things started to go a bit better. It would've helped had I remembered my paddle and not had to go all the way back home to retrieve it! But that of course is my own damned fault. #-o
Mrs. Admin paddling Little Dell
Mrs. Admin paddling Little Dell
Mrs. Admin paddling Little Dell
After Thursday night's first shot, Mrs. Admin was ready for a bit more so we spent the afternoon today at Causey Reservoir in Weber County, a far more picturesque venue than Thursday's trial. The big surprise of the day were the hundreds of Kokanee salmon swimming up the Left Fork to spawn.
Mrs. Admin taking one of many pauses to drift at Causey
Kokanee salmon in the Left Fork
Returning to our boats where the Left Fork meets Causey Reservoir
Mrs. Admin paddling at Causey (now if I can just get her to sit properly in the boat!)

Mrs. Admin paddling Little Dell

Mrs. Admin paddling Little Dell

Mrs. Admin paddling Little Dell
After Thursday night's first shot, Mrs. Admin was ready for a bit more so we spent the afternoon today at Causey Reservoir in Weber County, a far more picturesque venue than Thursday's trial. The big surprise of the day were the hundreds of Kokanee salmon swimming up the Left Fork to spawn.

Mrs. Admin taking one of many pauses to drift at Causey

Kokanee salmon in the Left Fork

Returning to our boats where the Left Fork meets Causey Reservoir

Mrs. Admin paddling at Causey (now if I can just get her to sit properly in the boat!)