(Non-skiing) Bear Lake, UT/ID - Sept. 4-5, 2011


Staff member
Some of you know that I finally lost my beloved Zach, my chocolate lab, to cancer a couple of weeks ago. R.I.P., pal.


A week ago a new pup therefore joined our family, another lab now known as Jake.

2011-08-28 16.04.33-1.jpg

Now 12 weeks old, it was time this weekend to introduce Jake to the outdoors. He's not yet old enough for a hike and we hadn't been to Bear Lake yet this year, so we packed up the dogs on Sunday and headed up to the Utah/Idaho border for an overnight car camp.


This was Jake's:

1. First camping trip.


2. First lake that he's ever seen (wow, a giant dog bowl!).


3. First swim.



I was amazed that a 12-week-old puppy would start swimming so readily, even if as a lab he's so predisposed to doing so. This dog is going to be one true water rat.


Also, this location at East Beach, part of Idaho's Bear Lake State Park was perfect. I'm not a car camper and dislike campgrounds even more. But we had enough space from our neighbors, the facilities were quite nice (although still primitive - pit toilets only) and our campsite was waterfront with only a short 20 foot-wide sand dune separating our tent from the beach. I can recommend the place heartily. (Skidog, are you listening?)

The water level at Bear Lake this summer, though, is startling. Our massive snowpack this past winter has filled many lakes and reservoirs this summer. In most places, beaches that used to be 500 feet wide are now totally under water even in September. The beach at our campground was only about 20 feet wide. It's nice to see the lakes full, but it's really changed the character of the recreation at many of our area destinations.


Marc - good to see a new doggie in your life! He looks like a great dog. Nice pix from Bear Lake...I have only ridden by on my motorcycle...someday I need to spend some time there!
Good idea letting Jake "test the waters" so young. We kept Samantha out of our pool the during her first summer (she arrived Aug. 4, 1996 at age 6 weeks) and she remained skeptical of it the rest of her life. Samantha had no such hesitation with respect to lakes or the ocean though.

Last week I was visited often by one of the new tenants at Adam's ski house at Mammoth:

Cash is a 7 month old Chocolate Lab/German Pointer mix.
Today I escaped a SoCal heat wave and went to Arroyo Burro State Park in Santa Barbara, our best dog beach. Samantha had her first and last beach days here. In 1998 she was 2 years old and completely hyperactive, an exhausting day for all. Here are some of the locals enjoying the day.

Note the low surf easy for the dogs to fetch sticks and balls from the ocean, like one in the background of the above pic. The low surf also made it easy for Samantha to swim there at age 14+ a year ago.

So Arroyo Burro was on my short list to scatter some of Samantha's ashes.


Since Becky was with Samantha on the day in 1998 and lives in nearby Oxnard now, she came along this time.