WooHoo! The day finally arrived for my first tracks of the new season... considering that I had $10 off lift ticket coupons on my hands, it was a definite trip to Okemo. (My first time @ Okemo, but whos counting) <BR> <BR>Man made snow all the way baby! It wasn't too bad... but perhaps it seemed really great due to my delusions and excitement of finally getting on skiis. (damn summer). I made the trip with a couple of friends... one of whom has a really cool altimeter watch. We covered 22,700' total vert over 17 runs. Not bad, considering Okemo was virtually open top to bottom. <BR> <BR>Since it was all man-made snow, and it was under high tourist traffic, the afternoon was a bit scrapy and yes, the edges were chattering. Not bad though... stuck to the edges of the trails (which all look alike @ Okemo) and found plenty of loose powder. <BR> <BR>Enjoy <BR> <BR>--csb (chris)