Went straight to Jackson Gore as soon as lifts started up. Top of Quantum Leap is indeed steep by Okemo standards. Steepest sections are perhaps slightly steeper than bottom section of Defiance, but certainly with longer sections at this pitch. Lower halp of Quantum Leap is pretty mundane - constant pitch with no rolls, a bit reminiscent of Exhibition under the Solitude lift. Vortex is designed as alternative to steeper sections of Quantum, and is very tame. Other Black at Jackson is Upper Limelight, and it is really a Blue. The Blue runs are nice, with some varying pitches, without the wide boulevard sense that some Okemo trails have. <BR> <BR>Jackson highspeed covers around 1200 vert, so if you're into getting vertical, this is the place to do it, with a very fast groomer (Quantum) directly under the lift. Easy to do 8 minute laps, over 8000 vert an hour. <BR> <BR>BTW, the snow conditions all over the mountain are unbelievably good - better than any time over ALL of last year. Probably the best day I've ever had at Okemo in terms of zero liftlines with super conditions.