Okemo, VT 1/23/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 1/24/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Minus ten at 7:30, but no wind. Mountain was groomed 'perfectly' as always. Snow was generally soft, fast, and cold. Great for almost any kind of skiing as long as it was fast. Some hard spots appeared later in the Solitude area where there seemed to be the most traffic. But traffic was generally light everywhere else, with very short lines even on the Northstar (Northeast) Quad. Jeep Appreciation Day got a freebee for my friend Bill. I'm still waiting for somekind of 1990 Blue Dodge Caravan day to compensate those of us who have to buy blue paint to touch up the flakes that appear on the hood and top. Since its not a Subby (the official car of the People's Republic) or a SUV, I suppose I'll have a long wait. <BR> <BR>Bill and I did duck a rope to try Forest Bump (their best tree skiing area). Top was well covered, packed and wind scoured, the middle and bottom had a lot of soft and light crusty powder, but not enough cover and base to give confidence that you wouldn't bottom out on a stump or rock. Each little mound under the snow was suspect, and I'm afraid that Bill and I didn't win any prizes for woods form. Both of us were more intent on preserving the p-tex. Woods still needs some snow. Most everything except the natural snow glades are open, but they do appear to be nearly ready. <BR> <BR>All in all though a hefty workout--legs are sore and face is weathered.