Okemo, VT 11/2/2002

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Got the first "official" chair of the season, according to the lifty, who let two chairs up ahead of me before the powers that be reminded him his clock was slow. And I would been on the true chair 1 if it wasnt for a certain slowpoke father and girlfriend... <BR> <BR>No matter, they held the offenders at the top (can you believe they listened???) and we promptly blew by them at MACH 15 somewhere on Geronimo, which was the only trail open at the moment. Coverage on the top is Okemo standard, and it chokes down to a tennis court width near the bottom as opposed to the usual football field. Somehow I missed this observation and found myself speeding off the beaten path. A waterbar promptly reminded me to move over. Jeez, for the price I didnt pay, I'd expect some better signage. <BR> <BR>Anyway, good snow on the sides, typical manmade everywhere else. Snowmaking ops going full bore on Defiance, Jolly Green J (one of the worst trail sin the universe IMO), Arrow, and I think Tomahawk and probably Arrow. All of which should be skiable today whether they're open or not.