Okemo VT. 12/15/00


New member
I tried to take advantage of the new snow and the impending weekend monsoon so I bagged work Friday and headed to Okemo. Thanks to Marc Chrusch it cost me $41. Blue skies and seasonable temps made for a great day of skiing. Way too much grooming happening at Okemo. The only trails that weren't visited by the mighty tiller were Double Diamond, Upper Noreaster, and Sel's Choice. Sel's and Noreaster had six inches of wind packed powder on top of porcelain bumps. The skiers right of Double Diamond had more cut up powder on top of porcelain but the skiers left was all natural and sweet. At the top it was a little crusted and you kind of broke though but once in the trees it was powdery. I skied the left side of Double Diamond all day until my legs were gone. The groomers were all packed powder. This report is a little late and of coarse things have changed since the rain on Sunday.