Just read Greg's report of Okemo on Friday. <BR> <BR>Saturday was good all day. Rain held off all day until about 3:00 p.m. This was the day we take our high school ski club up so the forecast made for some anxious moments. But our luck held out and the day was much better than average. All but the woods trails were open with great, though groomed, cover. Visibility on the upper third of the mountain was the only problem, but not a tremendous problem. Lines were short to nonexistant, even on the Northstar Quad, all day. A pro boarding competition kept some people as spectators, but pre-Christmas and iffy weather forcast worked to keep folks off the mountain. Brutal grooming was the order of the day. Few places were left untouched, but that was to be appreciated since our group was mostly kids with limited VT experience. Only trees open were the little Whistler glade, and Double Diamond. Both skied well. I skied with a three other teacher chaperones. After a somewhat late start (9:00 a.m.), and an extended lunch break to tend to a student who had an injury, we managed to rack up 20,000 + vertical feet by the time the sleet started at 3:00 p.m. Okemo is like that. You can cover lots of ground without much effort. And with aging legs and early season, that's ok. Great day, kids were good and all enjoyed the day. <BR> <BR>Sunday was a total washout. I stayed overnight at my house rather than going back on the bus Saturday. Rain was relentless all night. Some freezing, but not much. Thunder and lightning began about 7:30 a.m. and continued until after 10:00 a.m. The mountain never opened. But with what Okemo had made through the last month, they should be in fine shape within a day or two.