<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 4/3/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Last day of the season for me at Okemo was Saturday. I understand projected last day is now April 9. This last week of warm weathers has done them in. <BR> <BR>Crowds were sparse, never had to be more than second or third in line for a lift, even at the Northeast Express Quad or the double quads at the base lodge. Just skiied the morning in beautiful 45 to 50 degree weather. Giving a buddy a tour of the mountain - started him on Sachem, then went to the top and hit Sapphire, Tomahawk, Timberline, Jolly Green Giant, Searle's Way, Wardance, Noreaster. The snow on top was nice spring corn, but even in the morning the bottom was getting heavy, wet, and, in some places, slushy. Plenty of snow on these main trails, only a couple of bare spots on the steeper parts. <BR> <BR>Then a couple of beginners joined us and we took Sunburst and Coleman Brook to Mountain Road. Sunburst and Coleman were fine, but Mountain Road was a disaster waiting to happen. All that sun beating through the snow and heating up the underlying asphalt was not good. Slushy patches abounded and there was one stretch of about six feet that was asphalt but for a narrow strip of slush about two feet wide. I know the mountain wanted to keep Mountain Road open as long as possible for the beginners to have something to take off the summit, but they kept it open too long. I understand that they finally closed it about noon, but managed to strand a bunch of beginners with the choice of either ducking the rope or heading down a black diamond! <BR> <BR>The Solitude area was barely holding on. Village Run turned into mud near the bottom. The rock band near the top of Exhibition was almost bare. Sidewinder just had a narrow strip of snow on it at one point. <BR> <BR>I didn't even try the South Face. World Cup and Defiance are holding up nicely. I suspect that, if Okemo wanted, they could keep skiing the top front face of the mountain for a few more weeks, but I don't think the skiier numbers would make it worthwhile. <BR> <BR>With respect to the Jackson Gore development, I heard that the state approval of the master plan is being appealed by an antigrowth group calling themselves the Mountain Watchers (?). And the local permits have not yet been issued, but they are expected to be within the next few weeks. After the appeal process has run its course, permits will need to be obtained for each phase of the development. Look for the opponents to try to impede and delay that process as long as possible. If Okemo can't turn spade to ground soon, the chances of completing construction in time for next season fall off drastically. <BR> <BR>With respect to pricing. I couldn't believe that Okemo, this past weekend, was still charging full freight for a lift ticket - $54. Whatever happened to Spring pricing?