Opening dates for 70+ ski areas

Opening dates for 90% of ski areas are set by the calendar not the weather. Anyone who claims they can tell you now what the weather is going to be in mid-December or January is full of :bs: . I have posted percents of area open on my season progress report pages fairly systematically since 2004 and anecdotally since 1996-97.

For Colorado I copied data from a website that no longer exists, updating each season, with info for many areas back to 1988, and have often quoted from that in response to the perennial early season questions from those who insist on taking their destination trips at Christmas or earlier. Thus it was easy to look up history and predict a significant probability of the restricted skiing in Colorado early the past 2 seasons.

I have an even more detailed sheet for Mammoth and SoCal going back to the 1970's. For other places, I should probably organize the season progress data by area for easy access like I have for Colorado, but it's tedious and so far I've only done it for mid-December in Utah and Jackson/Targhee.

Did not mean to discredit you at all, yes you have some great info. I just added some weather info because we are off to a great start in the Rockies. Glad you replied I will look for your stuff throughout the season. THINK SNOW and thanks.