New member
Actually, the ski area very conservatively opened last Monday with a beginner lift and some terrain features on a beautiful winter-like day. The planned opening was for last Wednesday when the lower front of the mountain was due to open with a 34" base. We were excited but then this most ugly rainstorm blew in and ruined the party! We get rain here at times but this thing rained from Tuesday until yesterday AM. I thought it was curtains but then it turned to snow in the afternoon yesterday and we added 14-16" new overnight at 18 degrees. =D>
Today was sick for an opening day and kudos to Mt Bachelor for having everything cleaned up and ready to roll! Not easy after drenching rain batters your precious early season snowpack and then slushes, freezes up and then gets a big dollop of cold snow on top. The parking lot was pristine and Pine Martin rolled at nine sharp.
Stats at the 7300' level: 79" snowfall since Oct 1, 48" snowpack, currently snowing at 15 degrees
Today was sick for an opening day and kudos to Mt Bachelor for having everything cleaned up and ready to roll! Not easy after drenching rain batters your precious early season snowpack and then slushes, freezes up and then gets a big dollop of cold snow on top. The parking lot was pristine and Pine Martin rolled at nine sharp.
Stats at the 7300' level: 79" snowfall since Oct 1, 48" snowpack, currently snowing at 15 degrees