Park City Closing Day Video and YTD Snowfall Stats


New member

I was given this information and was asked not to publish it because these are not the figures they use on their website or for their marketing material. So basically this information is only for us...

Just FYI (pls don't publish), here are our internal numbers from Patrol, a bit of difference from what we report due to them counting from prior to opening. Summit Patrol: 411 inches. a new record and 140% of our 37 year average of 293 inches.
Jupiter Patrol: 503 inches, #3 all time and 136% of our 31 year average of 370 inches.

I figure these sorts of figures may help Tony out as well.

I'd be curious if we could get some more unofficial stats from some of the other resorts, like the Canyons?

For example, the Canyons website says 396 YTD.
Park City Mountain Resorts website says 429 YTD.
Park City does have extensive long term data from both Summit House and Jupiter. After many attempts I finally acquired that data ~3 years ago and have been getting annual updates since.

Mbaydala's numbers are right in line with what I have. I quote a bit higher for those 2 sites on my webpage because:
1) I index to the even longer term database at Alta
2) The Alta database is complete for November and April, while I suspect in some of the earlier years Park City's is not.

The 152 inch average at the base of Park City comes from an old NOAA weather station that had scattered months from the 1970's and 1980's.