Park City December 10th


New member
Well when I heard that McConkey's was opening last night I decided to stay in town and do a little skiing at PC. Let me tell you I made the right decision! Not only did I get first chair of the 07-08 ski season on McConkey's but I was also the 10 person into Blueslip bowl. Now I'm pretty sure that none of this compairs to Alta opening backside today but, then again I didn't have to drive and I didn't have to hike for my turns today.

The bowl was deep easliy 2+ feet the only complaint that I have is with Ski patrol. Now I know they are only doing there job but from the looks of it they were having more fun then anything. There must have been about 60+ tracks in the bowl before it was even opened. I didn't see any skin tracks so I'm assuming it was patrol but hey what can you do? I'm just glad I was the first guy down this year.


  • Park City Dec 10th 024 The Peak.jpg
    Park City Dec 10th 024 The Peak.jpg
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  • Park City Dec 10th 020 Second time down Bluesplip.jpg
    Park City Dec 10th 020 Second time down Bluesplip.jpg
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  • Park City Dec 10th 015 On top of McConkey's above the undercast.jpg
    Park City Dec 10th 015 On top of McConkey's above the undercast.jpg
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  • Park City Dec 10th 012 First Chair 07-08 season on McConkey's.jpg
    Park City Dec 10th 012 First Chair 07-08 season on McConkey's.jpg
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  • Park City Dec 10th 005 Blowing snow on Silver Queen.jpg
    Park City Dec 10th 005 Blowing snow on Silver Queen.jpg
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  • Park City Dec 10th 001 Town Lift.jpg
    Park City Dec 10th 001 Town Lift.jpg
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According to ski patrol as long as it stays cold and we have a couple more decent size storms he was thinking probalby right around the Holiday period. I would guess we need another 25 inches or so.
To add to the answer to my own question I just found this on the PCMR website
"PS Jupiter is very much on our radar, our snow safety team is heading up there tomorrow to start working on it so I hope to have an update on it shortly."
Regarding you message below: Ski patrol practice a technique called ski cutting. It is a practice of skiing where you don't groom to test the area for avalanches. Sounds like lemmerings! I did it once promopted by a patrol director and lured into it by my sense of adventure. I had no beacon! I was skiing on an area known to avalanche. Believe me, it is not really fun unless you are 100% nuts. It is a job for the public service. If you like this kind of thing and feel satisfied that you have adequate life insurance for your family, join us!

Now I know they are only doing there job but from the looks of it they were having more fun then anything. There must have been about 60+ tracks in the bowl before it was even opened. I didn't see any skin tracks so I'm assuming it was patrol but hey what can you do? I'm just glad I was the first guy down this year.[/quote]