Park City, UT 12/7/10


Staff member
Day 12: Expectations exceeded again.

I took a break from work this afternoon to drive up to Park City Mountain Resort to pick up my pass and take a few runs while I was there. Perhaps my expectations were low, but no matter what my expectations were PCMR is skiing damned fine right now. There's a lot more snow than I'd anticipated, and the place is pretty much wide open save for the Town Lift terrain and the Silver Star area, both of which are low elevation and neither's a high priority prior to Christmas week.


Deserted was the word. Absolutely no one was there. Only on one lift ride on Silverlode did I ride with another human, a PC vacation home owner from Atlanta, and even then it was just the two of us on a Six-Pack. The best snow I found was only lightly tracked off Motherlode; anywhere else it would've been hammered.





I came home and went back to work. Now that's what I call a lunch break! \:D/