About 6" over night. Very winter-like this weekend. Still an amazing amount of snow from the base all the way up. I'd say there is still about 4' at the base and about 10' in Jupiter (top).
Mike Sharp started a kid's telemark program in the Wasatch Back that I presume is still going strong. Now that he's moved back East he's carbon-copied it in Maine. Perhaps that would be good for her?
Mike Sharp started a kid's telemark program in the Wasatch Back that I presume is still going strong. Now that he's moved back East he's carbon-copied it in Maine. Perhaps that would be good for her?
Mile was great guy to get it started and Hank Kiel runs the Teletribe now, which my son loves. Daughter is more into racing (this year anyway) and is just looking to do something else when not race training. She loved it, and now wants the gear (those were rentals). Sigh....it gets more and more expensive every year with them.