Pico, VT 12/17/99


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 12/18/99. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>What a diffrerence a week makes!--in appearances, anyway. Noticed the price increase at K this week, so we decided to bite the bullet and switch over to Pico for today's trip. One way down the hill, but the coverage was wall-to-wall, and the trail combo is wide enough that you can get three good separate lines to add a little variety. (Don't tell the P.R. Department or they'll up the trail count times three for the daily report!) Seems like there was a couple of inches of new, ungroomed over a firm base, and the skiing was excellent all day. Of course, it helps when there are only seven skiers on the trail all morning. Noticed a group of adaptive skiers and hosts on the Bonanza trail during the morning, and the Killington Mountain School students hit the slope after lunch along with what looked like families with small children arriving for the weekend. Snow guns were running all the while up on 49er, but we assumed that all the snowmaking capital is being spent in the Basin to get ready for the holiday crowds. There's been enough natural snowfall in the area to make everything above the 1000-ft. level look white even if the trail count is minimal. But it's interesting to look over toward the mountains from route 22 in New York and see that the heavy snow cover is evident on all of the Peaks north of Rutland.