Pico, VT 2/8/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/9/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Finally a clear, sunny, Kodachrome day! (We've been skiing in a fog bank for the past two weeks!) On the flip side, I'd have rather had yesterday's balmy temperatures in place of today's minus 5 at 9 a.m. Pico claims it's 100% open, and I guess it may have been that way on the weekend. There seems to be snow on all of the trails (sort of), but only the lower quad trails were 100% groomed, and only 49'er and the mid-Pike off the top. And, of course, mid-week only has two lifts running. Quite a few brave souls were picking their way down the Upper Pike, which seems to have only natural snow on it and still has ruts and dirt showing in some places. Also noticed some people cutting through the woods between Upper KA and the Pike just off the summit. And a few adventurers were heading into the Glades via a "short-cut" off the mid-Pike. Most of the skiers and riders stayed on the lower mountain until things warmed up a little later in the morning. At noon, the snow on 49er was still pretty crunchy and not much broken up. But the skiing was good, and the mercury wil be on the upswing for the next few days. Notices posted all over the place advertising a 3-day women's ski clinic at Pico, starting tomorrow, featuring Donna Weinbrecht.