Pipeline Video


Active member
There was some discussion in another thread about the Pipeline on American Fork Twin Peak North. Here's a video from a couple of seasons ago done by Snowbird and PCTV:

Hmmm.... although wider, more variable snow quality, so from a technical skiing standpoint, about the same. However, definitely a bit more hairball getting to and getting into - esp. if the upper cliff band that guards access is melted out to an unskiable degree.
Have to wait for a good snow year..which shouldn't take too long..can't have another like this one..hopefully...
It's still a one hour+ bootpack over rough and exposed terrain at 11,000+ feet. Pipeline is not a run where you want be fatigued before skiing it. So my recommendation would be similar to Highlands Bowl or Silverton: be altitude acclimatized for several days before attempting it. I will keep it in mind for the end of an Iron Blosam week sometime.
Just watched a few great vids about it..so ..its on the list...the hike does look a lot harder than the run...