Poached report from San Gorgonio, July 12-13

Tony Crocker

Staff member
I have described and posted a distance picture of the San Gorgonio backcountry in a post last year ... 1073938644 .

In browsing the http://turns-all-year.com website (inspired by admin's feat yesterday) I came across a detail trip report with several pics from someone who skied San Gorgonio this July: http://www.leang.com/kam/mountains/tr/SanGorgonioMtn/ .

I was certainly aware that SoCal's deep and high water content snowpack would make this a promising spring/summer on San Gorgonio. However, the report notes the 22-mile round trip distance from South Fork trailhead and thus the decision to do it as a 2-day camping trip. I know of a closer trailhead that was probably open by July, but with the tendinitis I was experiencing in early summer I decided not to aggravate it.
Holy suncups, Batman!
