Recently seen at Deer Valley


New member
Well, well -- the gauntlet has been thrown down:


Self-assured, almost cocky; in short, not at all the attitude you'd expect from a Subaru-wagon owner, much less one who skis at Deer Valley.

PS for those of you not too familiar with SLC, "Alta" stickers are by far the most common: They're sort of the equivalent of "My daughter is an honors student at XYZ High" somewhere else; thus the ribbing.
The gauntlet was thrown down a couple of years ago. Marc_C has one of those stickers on his skis, and Skidog has one on his car. While they originally came from TGR, Alta last season started printing stickers with the same message and selling them in their gift shops.
Admin":17ltzfw7 said:
Alta last season started printing stickers with the same message and selling them in their gift shops.

Wow. Things turn ironic so quickly, these days.
Evren":256t5eef said:
Things turn ironic so quickly, these days.

I'm too lazy to go looking for a citation, but I once read that Betsy Pratt herself, interpreted MRG's "Ski it if you can" slogan, not as as challenge to the reader's skiing prowess, but instead as encouragement to ski MRG if/when conditions allow. In other words, rather than meaning "this place has challenging skiing," the slogan instead means "Ski MRG when conditions are good, because MRG sometimes lacks sufficient snow coverage." Both interpretations, of course, are essentially valid.
SkiandflyUtah":1wpilqmf said:
I wonder how many of the following I could sell in SLC:

"We don't care that you rode your bicycle to Jackson!" #-o


There are so many of those LOTOJA stickers around that I've got to wonder if it's possible that 50% of those who bear that sticker even rode it.
Admin":1kvmv88p said:
There are so many of those LOTOJA stickers around that I've got to wonder if it's possible that 50% of those who bear that sticker even rode it.
If there's also a Ragnar or Foxy sticker, you can assume they didn't. 8)