Recommend Me some good but cheap boots/bindings :)


New member
Hi, i'm deciding to get into skiing this year, hopefully go every weekend to my local ski hill and to the mountains occasionally..

Im getting the new salomon Dumonts, everyone has great reviews for them and they're suspose to be the best park skis available, but i dont wanna spend to much money on boots and bindings as i dont got so much money, and i'm in highschool so money can be a issue depending on when the hill opens up..

any recommendations would be great thx!!
As far as your skis are concerned I would demo before I buy. For your boots, I wouldn't recommend trying to do that on the cheap. See a good boot fitter and do it right. Your boots are the most important piece of equipment. Most likely, because you're just getting into skiing, you won't need high end boots.

Im getting the new salomon Dumonts, everyone has great reviews for them and they're suspose to be the best park skis available, but i dont wanna spend to much money on boots and bindings

Boots are more important to your ski performance than your skis. Don't just go out and buy skis. Get boots first, then get skis! After you have your boots, demo a variety of skis in different lengths, and then make your choice. Just in case you don't understand what I'm saying: :dead horse: :dead horse: :dead horse: :dead horse:

Boots first, then skis. If your boots stink, you'll stink. If your boots are great but your skis aren't you can still ski. If you have great skis but your boots stink, you won't know you have great skis.
rfarren, what are you trying to say? :lol:

Seriously, aL[Panic], what he said.

Acknowledging that, however, check out They run only one deal at a time, but significantly discount ski gear, including boots. Not that I'm recommending mail order for you for the same reasons that rfarren said, but if you insist, that's a cheap route to go.