Well-known member
I really like Red Mountain. It's just a little a rough around the edges - in a good way - and may not be for everyone. A car is nice to have - especially with some great cat skiing nearby - as well as other resorts like Whitewater. (Note: It was our intent to do some cat skiing too. However the cat season ended in early/mid March due to unusually warm temps).
The most difficult thing about Red is just finding where you want to go in the trees. It's a 360 degree mountain. Things are not well marked at all. Purposefully. You need a local. We did not have that. But a good map helps.
The Official Trail Map. Confusing at best.
A much better topo map view with ALL the runs marked. I found this at which used to be a much better resource for Red Mt. ... es_Map.jpg
Blow this up to find the goods like Cambodia, Needles, Beer Belly, Powerfields, etc.
Sharon wrote a great article up too. ... le&sid=124
Finally, here are some pics from my trip in late March. I never got around to posting these, but this thread motivated me.
Red Mountain. Pimply with a retro lift.
Rossland seen from the top of Red Mt. Off the backside.
Trees on Granite viewed from Red Mt. South and east-facing Powderfields/Orchard/etc
View from Granite summit.
Motherlode Chair ascending Granite
Mt. Roberts. Hikable terrain and home to extreme contests. We did not bother due to conditions.
Short Squaw
Beer Belly or Doug's. I think Doug's
North side of Granite -- lots of trees
Cambodia trees
The Slides. I think its #3.
The Couloirs
The most difficult thing about Red is just finding where you want to go in the trees. It's a 360 degree mountain. Things are not well marked at all. Purposefully. You need a local. We did not have that. But a good map helps.
The Official Trail Map. Confusing at best.
A much better topo map view with ALL the runs marked. I found this at which used to be a much better resource for Red Mt. ... es_Map.jpg
Blow this up to find the goods like Cambodia, Needles, Beer Belly, Powerfields, etc.
Sharon wrote a great article up too. ... le&sid=124
Finally, here are some pics from my trip in late March. I never got around to posting these, but this thread motivated me.
Red Mountain. Pimply with a retro lift.
Rossland seen from the top of Red Mt. Off the backside.
Trees on Granite viewed from Red Mt. South and east-facing Powderfields/Orchard/etc
View from Granite summit.
Motherlode Chair ascending Granite
Mt. Roberts. Hikable terrain and home to extreme contests. We did not bother due to conditions.
Short Squaw
Beer Belly or Doug's. I think Doug's
North side of Granite -- lots of trees
Cambodia trees
The Slides. I think its #3.
The Couloirs