still learnin
New member
Just got back from a GREAT!!!! day at Sierra at Tahoe. First day on the snow this season. The runs open are mostly green, second, blue and a couple short black runs. I skied for 5 hrs from 8:30 till 1:30pm and had a blast. The snow conditions were in my estimation GOOD for early season. No bare spots on trail. Off piste, under the chairs (Nob Hill) there are rocks a showin', but good enough for those that want the adventure. The crowds were non-existant. I didn't wait 5 min in any line all day. Lower Main is open as well as upper main, corkscrew, sleigh ride etc. Check the website for specifics. The Sierra staff were GREAT as usuall. The outdoor Bar-B-Q was fired up and the outdoor bar as well as the upper indoor bar and lunch room. All other facilities seemed to be operating. Should be good for the next couple days and it was clouding over as I left so maybe more snow on the way, although forcasts are doubtful. If you need to get on the snow and get the cobwebs swept away, it was fun. Oh I am an intermediate skier starting my 3rd season, so take it with that perspective.
Mark 8)
Mark 8)