Silverton La Nina Email


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Saw this email in my inbox....not sure if I buy it.

La Niña Weather System To Benefit Silverton Mountain
Check out this news piece about Silverton Mountain getting pounded by La Nina…
If the early storms dropping loads of moisture at the ski area are any indication, it could be a big one! Silverton Mountain goes both ways and gets it from La Nina and El Nino increasing your odds for major dumpage… see story below.
La Niña Weather System To Benefit Silverton Mountain
Brett Buckles, Colorado Associate Editor
We hear so much about El Niño and La Niña weather systems, but what do they mean for the ski resorts? OnTheSnow has done the research for you, and you’ll be happy to know that in years past La Niña has been good to the Rocky Mountains. It could be especially good for Silverton Mountain.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) El Niño and La Niña are the two counterparts in what's called the Southern Oscillation. Sometimes shortened to just ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation), this weather system refers to the cyclical warming and cooling of the eastern and central Pacific Ocean. El Niño is the name for warm episodes, and La Niña is the name for cold episodes.
Atmospheric Scientist Klaus Wolter of University of Colorado at Boulder and NOAA explains that El Niño and La Niña provide precipitation to opposite parts of the state of Colorado. Typically El Niño benefits the southern part of the state while La Niña heads north to provide above-average moisture to the northern half of the state.
The unique location of Silverton Mountain enables the resort to benefit from both systems regardless of its southern Colorado location. According to the resort's Web site, La Niña could be just what the doctor ordered for southern Colorado powder hounds.
"The nice thing about Silverton Mountain is that we normally sit right in the middle of the forecast zone split,” Silverton’s Aaron Brill explains. This means on an El Niño year we are many times forecasted for equal or better chances of above average precipitation, and typically the same goes for La Niña years.
Brill says Silverton is located within its own microclimate enhanced by the Uncompahgre Gorge which pumps in extremely localized storms to Silverton Mountain, and a few other local areas, while neighboring peaks just a mile away may get skunked. There have been La Niña and El Niño years at Silverton Mountain with over 500 inches of snow thanks to our microclimate.
I got to discuss the Silverton snow issue again with Knox Williams, whom I met personally for the first time at ISSW. The Colorado Avalanche Information Center in fact has a regional satellite office in the town of Silverton. For several years CAIC measured snow where the base of the current lift is now. They found snowfall there to be almost identical to Red Mt. Pass. That site is 700 feet lower than the pass, so at comparable elevation Silverton ski area probably gets more snow but not a lot more. I've been crediting them with 10% more and Knox thinks that's a reasonable guess. No one in CAIC thinks Silverton is a freak microclimate like Wolf Creek or Buffalo Pass.

With respect to El Nino/La Nina I have preferred to correlate the monthly snowfall to the MEI index, which is maintained by Klaus Wolter, who was mentioned in the above article. The correlation of Red Mt. Pass snowfall to the MEI index is a meaningless -1% over 150 months and -14% on a seasonal basis of 29 years. However, due to the oft-theorized "on/off switch" impact of La Nina in particular, I've also tracked the months when MEI > 0.75 or < -0.75. While there is not as much data as one would like to see, the picture by this analysis is different. Red Mt. Pass has received 96% of normal snowfall in 45 El Nino months and 125% of normal snowfall in 22 La Nina months. FYI Telluride has received 92% of normal snowfall in 40 El Nino months and 117% of normal snowfall in 22 La Nina months. This data conforms to a recent statement by ChrisC that "Telluride is favored by a NW flow."

It is very rare for the latter analysis to exceed 100% for both El Nino and La Nina with much data. One of those noteworthy exceptions is the Whistler Roundhouse at 110% in 44 El Nino months and 119% in 26 La Nina months.
Glad you posted this! I got this a few days ago and have been to busy to post.

Tony-please report back to us after you discuss this again. Also please clarify whether you are talking about snow at the base or mid mountain or top. Mid mountain is generally where most resorts report correct (not Jackson). Also discuss that Silverton has a lot of terrain above top of lift and how snow depths are factored up there.
In my regional tables I always post elevation where snow is measured. As to where ski areas measure, that's highly variable. Ski patrol/snow safety people do want to measure accurately, so that constrains some ski areas where upper terrain is too wind exposed, like Mammoth, Bachelor and Snowbird. In Colorado the tree line is very high and most areas measure close to 11,000 feet, which can be 2/3 or 3/4 of the way up the lift served elevation range.

There are areas where base elevation snowfall is much less than typical ski terrain. I doubt Silverton is one of them as its base is 10,400. Data is nearly always more limited than we would like. Within an area it's best to observe the mid-season snowpack to see if it's radically different from top to mid to bottom. Just because snowfall increases significantly going from 9,000 to 11,000 does not mean it continues to increase at the same rate going from 11,000 to 13,000. Looking at snow depth at many places in Colorado one might question whether snowfall increases much at all above 11,000.

it's also illuminating to observe snowpack vs. different areas within a similar overall climate zone. In Silverton's region that would be Wolf Creek. If you compare Wolf Creek's snowpack to Silverton's it's hard not to conclude that Silverton's snow average is significantly less. That's not to say it's bad, but it's not 400 inches either, even up high.

Snowfall and snow conditions can be separate issues. Low skier density and high, steep, north-facing terrain at Silverton probably yields far superior conditions to Colorado's lift service much of the time.