Ski/board related: Claremont film festival 11/3


I know there are a decent number of LA-area people on here, but I don't think I've met anyone outside of Tony. So take a trip to the Claremont Colleges on 11/3!

The Claremont Colleges Ski & Snowboard Team is hosting our Snowstock film festival on Saturday, November 3rd this year. As in years past, it's on the campus of Pomona College in Claremont. However, new for this year, we're showing 4 different films, all for $20. The festival starts at 3pm and ends around 10--come for as much or as little as you'd like.

Visit to buy tickets (and buy early--our new multi-film format means there are half as many tickets for quadruple the number of films). Also feel free tp join our Facebook event page at for the latest updates. No one's checking if you bring beer either.

Here is the lineup:

3:30pm: WE: A Collection of Individuals -- Poor Boyz Productions
5:00pm: Sunny -- Level 1 Productions
6:30pm: Jeremy Jones' Further -- Teton Gravity Research
8:30pm: The Dream Factory -- Teton Gravity Research