Well, what a decent end for the season. Chris Bradford and I hit SR for one final day of the last ski season of the millenium. Anyways, skiing was great (mostly), with decent coverage on most sections of the trails. Right Stuff had the best coverage, followed by Ecstasy to Sunday Punch. Occasionally you would hit bare spots, which worsened rapidly by late in the day thanks to 60 degrees and mostly sunny skies. There was no way they could have lasted another day without extensive walking...those few critical areas needed it so badly. <BR> <BR>This day, however, paled in comparison to 1997, where there were 90 TRAILS OPEN ON MAY 1! And 1996/1997 wasn't the best snow year. Why? 90 vs. 12? Hmmm....interesting. Even last year they had more open I think. <BR> <BR>Till next year, <BR>Jeremy <BR>www.nelsap.org