Matt Duffy
New member
What would you think if I said we skied a couloir that exceeded 60 degrees? Well, I'm saying it. <BR> <BR>The road to the Fourth of July Trailhead is a single lane, unpaved dust bowl for 4-5 miles of potholes, deep ruts and big rocks poking through. Cars with low clearance may have difficulty. We drove it in the middle of the night on Thursday, seeing several fox along the way. It was a scenic night drive through a hollow in dense forest surrounding the winding road. From our camping spot we watched the brilliant glow of the Milky Way on a cloudless night in a place where light pollution does not exist. <BR> <BR>Friday's quest began up the Fourth of July Trail and straight into a dark forest. <BR> <BR>We passed through a bit of an eerie storybook over lifeless bare earth with gangly tree roots exposed old and twisted. The kind of scene where you might expect the trees to come alive and start throwing apples at you. A place to be wary of the Nazgul. Or maybe it's just a dense stand of trees casting shadows and teasing my imagination. If you look closely you might see Dave and his skis lurking in the shadows as Miriam aproaches from the light. <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>Beyond the dark place we crossed over paths beyond paths of destruction. Trees uprooted and snapped; victims of huge avalanches in the dead of Winter. <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>Thankfully, I can only imagine witnessing a natural force so powerful and destructive. I'm also thankful for the things I did see - the remote beauty of the Indian Peaks wilderness. Things like this were common: <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>After a couple miles of hiking, we came to a place from which we all got our first look at Skywalker Couloir. I'd seen pictures of it before, and I knew what to expect. Yet it was almost overwhelming to see it in person, on our way to climb straight up it. <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>See that really narrow strip of snow at the top of the coulior? The top of that was the start of our run. It was there that the pitch got ridiculous. Something that scares away your fear, leaving only adrenaline to affect you. But that's getting ahead of myself, here's Mir bootpacking somewhere about a tenth of the way up: <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>From there on up the pitch increases dramatically; it hits 45 degress about a quarter of the way up. Halway up and you're looking at 50 degrees and climbing: <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>And now what you've all been waiting for; proof of the pitch with which I initially grabbed your attention: <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>What words can I say that aren't already spoken by that picture???? Miriam is one bad-a$$ chick. Dave had crampons and I followed up his boot ladder. But our strides weren't suitable for Mir, so she kicked in all of her own steps in alpine ski boots and no climbing gear whatsoever. All the way to the top. Bad A$$!!!! <BR> <BR>At the top we sat and took in views of other terrific runs draped from peaks and ridges in all directions. <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>If we hadn't skied a single turn that day, we would have been sick and ashamed and happy. That climb was memorable from start to finish. But we did ski, and it was rush beyond all comprehension. <BR> <BR>As I was saying, something that scary and dramatic releases you from the burden of fear. Instead there's a strange adrenalizing euphoria that grabs hold of your stomach and sets your mind ablaze with vigor. Getting ready to ski was like drinking 50 cups of coffee. Dave was gearing up in front of me, but I couldn't stand the anticipation any longer. If I don't ski this urge right away I think my brain will explode! <BR> <BR>The lunatic is in my head: <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>Many thanks to Mir for standing on that ledge and taking those pics. And these: <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR>Such a rush. Such an experience. So empowering. With each turn came many feet of vertical descent. Snow sent hissing far below. Hips and hands kissing the slope above. Rock walls surrounding. At the crux a crevasse on either side made the run about 4 feet wide. Adrenaline coursing straight to the brain. Intense focus, intense fun. <BR> <BR>The rest of the run is not to be overlooked either. 50-odd degrees for the most part until finallly mellowing to the forties down low. 1,500 feet of vert. A deep runnel dividing the chute in two. Fast beating hearts and uncontrollable smiles. Unbridled self congratulatory giddiness. Full-on mystical. <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A> <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"></A>