Smugglers Notch 12/15

Matt Duffy

New member
One of life's simpler little pleasures, I had forgotten all about. Until this morning. It is skiing with the warmth of the sun at your back and watching your shadow mimic your every move. My shadow looked like a pretty good skier today. <BR> <BR> The snow was perfect for my first day back on skis. Stuck mostly to the big bad groomers, with a couple or 3 inches of virgin on top of the super soft corduroy underneath. Carvers delight. <BR> <BR> On my 2nd or 3rd run, I had great fun playing in the loose snow on Madonna. I took a high speed Chilcoot run, which seemed to have been left alone and totally natural in the upper sections. Loose powder everywhere, there was a bit of floating to be had. Yeah baby! <BR> <BR> Last run, I was attempting to ski back to my car, but Blacksnake was closed for snowmaking. It was an obstacle I got around by taking the run parallel to it (Lower Pipeline & Pipeline Escape) and poaching my way across the Practice Slope & down to the Sterling lot. I've always liked Pipeline. It's very narrow & has a nice feel of seclusion while you're there. It's got some steepish pitches too. Today it had small to medium sized bumps. <BR> <BR> The sun was shining & my shadow was in front of me. There was no wind at all. Aaaaahhhh!