<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/12/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>It was a terrific day at Smuggs today. Snow fell all day, at times heavy, at other times light. Just before lunchtime it became very wet with some mixed precip at the base, but the temps dropped quickly and snow resumed. The afternoon also saw drier surfaces. <BR> <BR>The woods are well-covered. The only closed runs we observed were Freefall, Black Hole, Robin's Run, Upper Liftline (Madonna) and upper-upper FIS. We presumably worked our way through the woods to what we believe was Black Hole, where the following video was shot of Contributing Writer Mark Renson having way, way too much fun! <BR> <BR><A HREF="http://www.FirstTracksOnline.com/smuggs01.mpg">http://www.FirstTracksOnline.com/smuggs01.mpg</A>