Matt Duffy
New member
Didn’t quite get first chair, but close enough. Got fresh lines on the Sterling Liftline again, this time in 8 inches new. GS’d it all the way, ephortless phast phloating, hovering over rolls that 2 days ago were ledges under blue and yellow ice curtains. Added to the rush of it was a bit of low visibility. Relying on what you know, without being able to see it coming, is… breathtaking. Flying in a smoky silver lining. When you get it, be thankful. <BR> <BR> We started out as two powder pigs, Brian and I, ducking into steep ones reserved for he and I. Side by side, scorching S’s in the snow, I occasionally saw magic from the corner of my eye. A fast traveling snow-devil, an arm, a hand and a pole leading it, sometimes with a head, shoulders and knees poking through; it was a skier on fire, to and fro, engulfed in cascading wavy plumes of silence. <BR> <BR> Others latched on, the usual suspects, committing crime after crime to get virgin lines until we had a group 5 strong of everyday, common smugglers. 5 little piggies doing daring little things, boldly going where no-one’s allowed, sometimes in such close proximity to the officer’s lounge that it was downright funny. We stole candy from the babes and were guiltless as we found the fruit to be forbidden without just cause. Just blanket after blanket of perfectly smooth white, wall to wall and ripe for the taking. With sweet juice dripping from our chins, we were a pack of nomadic Drifters, reveling in the spoils of our efforts. <BR> <BR> Howling at the moon, <BR> Matt