Smuggs - 11-18-02


New member
Couldn't let the foot of fresh powder just sit there, so I went to go earn <BR>my first turns today... I got a late start at about 2 and <BR>hike almost half way up. There is atleast a foot if not more of new on the <BR>ground and its still coming down pretty hard. <BR> <BR>Hiked up Birch Run to avoid the 20 or so snowboarders and skiers jumping off <BR>the snowmaking whales... Cut across to the top of the <BR>practice slope where it looked pretty wind scoured, and was confirmed by a <BR>couple of telemarkers... I need to learn to telemark or <BR>something... Carrying skis and boots up sucks.. (do folks hike up in their <BR>boots?) I decided to turn around there and skied mostly <BR>down the way I came up.. found a few deep drifts and never hit any bottom... <BR> <BR>I think I may try for a bit earlier and a bit higher tomorrow if anyone <BR>feels like joining in... <BR> <BR>Smuggs website now says they will be open this weekend and then again for <BR>good the day after thanksgiving.... They have plenty of <BR>man made on their usual opening day run <BR> <BR>------------------------------------------ <BR>Tim Watson