Bobby Danger
New member
day--40-- ok thank god that l.c.c. never closed , cause that meant the onslaught of people wouldn't take place at snowbasin . there were people there but no major crowds for a sunday on a long weekend . skied a couple of strawberry runs early in the morning , very nice with no crowds for the first couple hours . then headed back to john paul chair for some north facing runs in the trees . ow and i forgot to mention that skidog traveled with me today !!!!!!!! i could probably rename this t.r. ---skidogs pfat day at the basin , only four inches were reported overnight o.k. , no frenzy for space in the no name area today , runs were skidog and i .
didn't take any photos today in strawberry area skiing was happening at to quick a pace to stop that long .
skiing down to the power lines in no name area has no issues , but ounce you reach this point the traveling through the trees gets a bit whippy out to the power plant at the base ,where the snowbasin shuttle returns you to earls lodge . all in all an excellent day of frenzyless pow....