Snowbasin re-opening 6/11!


New member
It will be open for weekends starting this Saturday:

Very smart move by Snowbasin. They will probably not recoup operational costs -- then again, do they ever? :-) but this will accomplish two things:
1) Get people to buy season passes early (previous season not honored), just for the kick of skiing the Basin in June. I know I will.
2) Garner a whole lot of publicity and news coverage if they do this right; I mean, who's heard of a ski resort re-opening in the middle of June?
Eisengrim":1f818l4f said: ... wboarding/

Eisengrim":1f818l4f said:
Very smart move by Snowbasin.

But I question the PR effect of not honoring 2010-11 season passes.

Eisengrim":1f818l4f said:
I mean, who's heard of a ski resort re-opening in the middle of June?

It's not entirely without precedent.
Admin":344dic2q said:
Eisengrim":344dic2q said:
I mean, who's heard of a ski resort re-opening in the middle of June?

It's not entirely without precedent.
It wasn't June, but Aspen Mountain did the same thing last weekend - reopened the top half for weekends for as long as they can, with downloading on the gondola (the bottom of most everywhere in Summit and Eagle counties is melted out - we were in Vail for the weekend).
Marc_C":wtbqmymq said:
It wasn't June, but Aspen Mountain did the same thing last weekend - reopened the top half for weekends for as long as they can, with downloading on the gondola (the bottom of most everywhere in Summit and Eagle counties is melted out - we were in Vail for the weekend).

They did the same this past weekend.
I'll know to check FirstTracks News next time. That's what clued me in to to this board originally but I hadn't been there in a while.
But I question the PR effect of not honoring 2010-11 season passes.
Normally I'd be first to chime in about a cheapo move by a resort (being, ahem, "value-conscious" myself). But this doesn't quite bother me. First, their prices are pretty low to begin with ($540 got me a midweek pass with no blackouts and summer privileges, $100 less than '09-'10). Second, they have a captive audience in Ogden but treat their season pass holders well, regardless. Third, their hiking & biking trails are top-notch, making an early purchase no-brainer if you are leaning that way anyway.
And fourth, overall, they get so little attention for the superb experience they provide, I am just not willing to sweat the small stuff.
Relatively small amount of accessible terrain, but I suspect the lower elevation snow is gone and this is the best that can be done given the lift layout. It probably helps get some of next year's season pass $ paid earlier.
holy crap it's the second season in a single year !!!!!!!! can't wait it's going be a real treat to schlep across that ridge line skiing corn that's been un touched by humans , i'll gladly pay the fee for a ride up the hill and skin the rest .. it's about the same distance to strawberry as it's to john paul lodge from the ridge above middle bowl chair , i have personal previous experience doing both . tony i invite you to a june run down salt and pepper chutes off mt. ogden sure to have plenty of pitch this time of year.
Bobby Danger":2f7b9fhk said:
tony i invite you to a june run down salt and pepper chutes off mt. ogden sure to have plenty of pitch this time of year.

Those are a couple of whacked out lines. "Plenty of pitch"? Uhhh...yeah, at any time of year:


No effin' way.
beautiful pic - but that's early in the season - everything is double fall lined in those chutes and their alot narrower than now . one would suspect that their saying 100+" of base at mid mtn. , would only mean that the skiing off that entire range of mtns. back to the east side of the ridge skiing would be no different as far as base than where we've been for the last eight weeks . i think it's been about eight weeks since anyone's spun a lift . now salt and pepper would be much wider and faced from the top to the bottom back at the bottom of middle bowl . surely a superior run !!! one could take needles gondola to the summit and hike demoisey bowl and access all of the upper strawberry runs in about an hours time. and as far as quality it would take it to a new level .
BobbyD has shown us pictures of Salt & Pepper before. South facing, needs precision timing for corn, probably a shorter but steeper version of Le Rama at La Grave. I await BobbyD's report.
Hey Bobby D, I've been trying to find out if they are going to have an open gate policy this weekend. You guys have any word on Backcountry gates being open?
i'm only assuming it's about the same as winter time . their policy during winter is pretty liberal . where there's a will there is a way !! besides i'm looking foward to a chance to get up there i've never skied off the summit of mt. ogden in june. never mind having skied salt and pepper in june - only eight times during the regular season have i made a descent of those lines .
Bobby's pretty excited about traipsing around Snowbasin tomorrow. So excited, in fact, that after sushi tonight he had me take him to Best Buy to buy a camera just so he can document the experience. With all the schlepping he's planning on I'll stick to Snowbird tomorrow, thank you very much.

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Not only do I look forward to the pictures but I also am sitting here dreaming of sushi! Bring it on Bobby!
Here's KSL television's video and photos from yesterday at Snowbasin:

Bobby Danger came over last night to learn how to offload the photos from his new camera and resize images for the forums. I suspect I'll be getting some phone calls tonight for re-education before they show up here.