in case it does snow your probably going to want two pairs of skis , this is going to stop the earth from spinning , but you might bring something narrower than powder skis if you only ski on fat skis such as i . i'm 115 under foot , a narrower ski would be quite nice on the harrrrrrdd pack . basically both alta and snowbird are skiing with almost equal conditions , i got ballroom yesterday with amy and skidog before heading west to snowbird, beautiffffuuuuullll out in graveyard two- three inches of wind sift from what fell this week . there is a slight rain crust from some point during the week (matza thick ) , very evident when riding little cloud chair looking west out old ladies towards old reliable , mark malou . the bottom of snowbird is no worse than the bottom of alta , the snowboarders have gone done lower silver fox out in front of the tram building so many times in the same line there is actually a small luge run there with dirt in every turn , quite evident from peruvian chair . the off groomer skiing is hard and fassssssst with ocassional objects sticking out of the snowpack .