Snowbird 2011 Spring Schedule


Active member
Monday, April 25th – Sunday, May 1st: Lifts remaining open for extended Spring Skiing schedule: Chickadee,
Little Cloud, Mineral Basin Express and the Tram. Closed lifts now include: Baldy Express, Peruvian
Express/Tunnel, Gadzoom, Baby Thunder, Gad II, Mid-Gad and Wilbere. Creekside closed for retail, cafe and
tickets. Creekside bathrooms and lockers will remain open. Terrain Park now closed.

Friday, April 29th – Sunday, May 1st: Alta will reopen for the weekend but Baldy Express will not.

Monday, May 2nd – Sunday, May 8th: Lifts remaining open for extended Spring Skiing schedule: Little Cloud,
Mineral Basin Express and the Tram. Hours will be: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

*The Aerial Tram will be closed for routine maintenance from Monday, May 9th through Thursday, May 26th.
These dates are subject to change based on business levels and weather.

Monday, May 9th: Snowbird will now be open for skiing and riding Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (Will also be
open the Monday of Memorial Day)

Friday, May 13th – Sunday, May 15th: Lifts open for extended Spring Skiing schedule: Mineral Basin Express,
Little Cloud, Peruvian Express/Peruvian Tunnel. Hours of operation will be based on weather conditions. Aerial
Tram closed for maintenance.

Friday, May 20th – Sunday, May 22nd: Lifts open for extended Spring Skiing schedule: Mineral Basin Express,
Little Cloud, Peruvian Express/Peruvian Tunnel. Hours of operation will be based on weather conditions. Aerial
Tram closed for maintenance.

Friday, May 27th – Monday, May 30th (Memorial Day Weekend): The Tram will start its summer passenger
schedule. Lifts open for extended Spring Skiing schedule: Mineral Basin Express, Little Cloud and the Tram.

Saturday, June 18th: Summer Activities will open for Father’s Day Weekend or sooner depending on weather

Spring Skiing operation will be subject to weather, mountain conditions, business levels, and construction
schedules and may be canceled due to poor conditions or lack of snow.